Your taxes: Palm Beach County adopts budget, cuts tax rate by 4.6%
Palm Beach Post
County commissioners Tuesday cut the tax rate by 4.6%, enough to avoid an increase in county taxes next year for most residents whose homes are homesteaded. The only larger percentage cut in the past 31 years was during the Great Recession in 2008. The tax rate and the $1.3 billion budget were adopted following a public hearing. Even with the cut, county budget officials will have about $85 million in additional property tax revenue to fund county operations, which represents an increase of nearly 7%.
Library trustees opt for 9% property tax hike to tame deficit forecast
Evanston RoundTable
Evanston Public Library trustees plan to ask for a 9% tax levy increase to address a $1.34 million budget deficit projected for 2024. At a special meeting Wednesday in the community room at the main library, 1703 Orrington Ave., trustees voted 6-0 in support of interim Executive Library Director Heather Norborg's recommendation that the board go with the 9% increase among options they were considering to bring the budget into line.
Hinds County Tax Assessor's office remains closed after breach
Essential services are back online in Hinds County after a data breach, but the Tax Assessor's office remains offline. There are signs on the door telling customers the office is closed, because they can't access information as the computer system remains down in their office. Another sign said to pay all taxes across the hall at the Tax Collector's office. One business owner went across the hall but was unable to pay.
Houston REIT Defaults On Uptown Dallas Office Building Amid Legal Battle
Pillarstone Capital REIT said in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing last month that it received a default note on its loan for 4144 North Central Expressway in Dallas, which has $14.4M outstanding. The loan is now with a special servicer, according to a Trepp report.
Wisconsin Personal Property Tax Repealed: What it Means for Business Owners
Amundsen Davis LLC - JDSupra
Governor Tony Evers signed 2023 Act 12 into law. Notably, Act 12 repeals Wisconsin's personal property tax. The repeal takes effect on January 1, 2024 and eliminates the time-consuming and costly process for business owners trying to ensure compliance with personal property tax laws. Business owners may also need to review assets previously classified as personal property to determine whether they are now classified as real property.
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