
Daily NAPTA Update 07.10.2024

Posted by Diane Macri | Jul 10, 2024 | 0 Comments

Proposed Garland County ballot measure would nix property tax that funds local library

Arkansas Advocate

Garland County residents are circulating a petition for a countywide ballot measure that would eliminate the property tax funding the local library. If successful, it would be Arkansas' second county in two years to reduce its library system's tax revenue with a public vote. The 1.6-mill tax has been in place since county voters approved it in 1998.

OC Assessor Bills Developers for Tax-Exempt Projects


Municipalities throughout California have created a tax-exempt joint powers authority (JPA), which allows them to team up with housing developers—known as project administrators—on affordable workforce housing projects funded with long-term municipal bonds.

Outrage in Georgia as one home owes $8 in property taxes and another of the same value owes $3,326


One such place with wide discrepancies for homeowners is Muscogee County, Georgia. Here, taxes can vary based on the year a home was bought. An expert pointed to a how owners of two similar homes worth $330,000 have property tax bills that vary by thousands of dollars a year. One family, who bought their property in 1980, paid less than $8 in property taxes last year.

Proposal to lower Baltimore's property taxes rejected


A proposal aimed at lowering Baltimore's property taxes will be left off the November ballot. This decision comes from Board of Elections Director Armstead Jones. "State law provides that the power to set a specific property tax rate in the counties and Baltimore City must remain with the County or City Council.

State senator seeks to fix Pennsylvania’s ‘dysfunctional property assessment system’

Post Gazette

Amid the turmoil engulfing Allegheny County's property assessments, a state senator is launching his push to require routine revaluations in a bid to eliminate many of the inequities now plaguing the system.

Move Over, Multifamily: The DFW Oversupply Narrative Has Claimed A New Victim


An industrial oversupply issue is beginning to creep into DFW as an onslaught of new development hits the market. More than 14M SF debuted in the second quarter, and another 21M SF is under construction. Ninety percent of the pipeline is made up of speculative builds, of which about 17% is preleased.

Brazos County Commission And Bryan City Council Approves Offering Property Tax Breaks To A Prospective $10 Billion Dollar, 1800 Employee Manufacturing Plant


Brazos County commissioners and Bryan city council members unanimously approve offering property tax breaks to a prospective $10 billion dollar, 1,800 employee manufacturing plant that would be built on the Texas A&M system's RELLIS campus.

Seattle City Council sends historic $1.55 billion transportation levy to voters


The Seattle City Council unanimously approved asking voters for the biggest property tax increase in city history at an afternoon meeting Tuesday. The $1.55 billion,8-year transportation levy would replace the 2015 "Move Seattle" levy and raise property taxes by 70% on a median home.

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