Burnie Maybank


Burnie Maybank is a member of Adams & Reese's economic development and tax & finance practice groups. He represents both public and private entities. Burnie served as Director of the South Carolina Department of Revenue under Governor Mark Sanford from 2003 through 2005. He also served in that position under Governor David Beasley from 1995 to 1999. Burnie's practice focuses on: Economic Development incentives; State and Local Tax Controversy Work; and Exempt Organizations. He currently served on the South Carolina Agency Head Salary Commission.

At the request of Senate Finance Chair Hugh Leatherman, he served as Chair of the South Carolina Tax Realignment Commission, which produced a 240 page report of suggested improvements to state and local taxes. At the request of Senate President Pro Tempore Glenn McConnell, Burnie serves on the South Carolina Transportation Infrastructure Study Committee. The Senate created the group in August 2008 to examine the feasibility and benefits of public/private partnerships to improve the state's roads, highways and bridges. He received national press in 2005 regarding the Department of Revenue's investigation of potentially abusive conservation easement donations, as well as the Department's investigation under IRS Circular 230 of tax professionals who were involved in tax shelters.

Nexsen Pruet, LLC
1230 Main Street, Suite 700
Columbia, SC 29201

(P) (803) 540-2048
(F) (803) 727-1472

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